We’re taking this virus very seriously and will be making sure that all necessary precautions are followed during any site visits that may take place.
Parkmarks Southern line mark all types of ball courts. These can include netball, basketball, football, 5-A-side, tennis, squash etc. We are also specialists at rejuvenating existing older courts to refresh their appearance as well as extending the life of the playing surfaces.
Parkmarks Southern have considerable knowledge and expertise in the marking of commercial / industrial floors. Especially the internal markings of warehouses, distribution and retail units. We work with the minimal of disruption ensuring any downtime is kept to a minimum.
Our dedicated skilled team have vast experience in Car Park Lining and operate throughout the UK, this can include parking bays, direction road marking i.e. arrows, lettering, disabled bays etc. We can also provide our clients with a brand new parking system designs if required.
Playground markings provide the perfect addition to any playground area within any Pre-School, Nursery, Infant, Junior or Secondary School. These can fulfill the criteria in the following areas: jumping, running, balancing, hopping, educational, games, perception and much more, so why not get in touch and discuss further.
Polyurethane paint colour coatings that Parkmarks Southern lay, provide a variety of sports surfaces i.e. polymeric or macadam (tarmac) surfacing with a colourful decorative appearance. This, as well as dramatically improving the anti slip qualities of the sports surface.
Parkmarks Southern have the knowledge and experience in marking internal sports hall surfaces. These can range from wood that you find in the majority of sports centres, right through to fully synthetic surfaces. We’ll supply paints specific to your floor covering and floor seals if required.
Parkmarks (southern) Ltd
Unit 1
Goldrings Farm
West Sussex GU29 0JS